CHAPTER 1 (pages 2–30)
Questions about the Model (page 4)
The paragraph is about
George Lucas.
2. George Lucas has changed
the film industry
in many ways.
3. Examples
of capitalization are George Lucas (a person’s name), Star Wars, Harry Potter, Pirates
of the Caribbean, and Star
Trek (movie titles), and THX and CGI (abbreviations).
In Sentence 1, “has changed”
is the verb.
PRACTICE 1: Identifying Nouns and Verbs in Word Families
(page 4)
Noun |
Verb |
writer |
write |
contributor 2.
contribution |
contribute |
educator 2.
education |
educate |
improvement |
improve |
revolution 2.
revolutionary |
revolutionize |
PRACTICE 2: Forming Nouns
(page 5)
assistance beautification brightness criticism excitement leader simplification
Try It Out! (page
Answers will vary.
PRACTICE 3: Applying
Capitalization Rules (page 12)
Answers will vary. Possible
answers include:
2. El Salvador—place on a map
3. San Salvador—place on a map
4. United
States—place on a map
5. New York—place on a map
6. Aunt
Rosa—title and name of a person
7. Brooklyn—place
on a map
8. City College—name of a school
9. English—name
of a language
10. Spanish—name
of a language
PRACTICE 4: Correcting
Capitalization Errors in Sentences
(page 12)
2. Hher major is business.
3. Tthanksgiving
is a holiday in both C
canada and the Uunited Sstates, but it is celebrated on different
days in the two countries.
4. Iit is celebrated on the fourthTthursday
in N
november in the Uunited Sstates
and on the second mMonday
in Ooctober in
5. Iistanbul is a seaport
city inTturkey.
6. Ggreenhills Ccollege is located in Bboston, mMassachusetts.
Ii am taking four classes this semester:Aamerican history, Ssociology 32, E
economics 40, and
a digital product design course.
Ii just read a good book by E
ernest Hhemingway calledTthe Oold mMan and the Ssea.
9. mMy roommate is
from the Ssouth, so she speaks
Eenglish with a southern accent.
10. Tthe two
main religions in Jjapan are B
buddhism and
PRACTICE 5: Correcting
Capitalization Errors in a Paragraph (page 13)
Ii enjoyed
reading your paragraph. Y
you are the first person from CcentralAamerica Ii have met.
Ii was living in
Cchicago before Ii moved here last Ddecember.
Uuntil now, everyone in my Eenglish classes came from Aasian
countries, such as Cchina,Tthailand, and Vvietnam,
or from countries in the mMiddle Eeast. Ii would like
to know more about your goals. Ffor example, Ii want to know how a nurse
is different from a nurse
practitioner. Ii would also like to
know how many
science classes you need to take after
Bbiology 101 to become
a nurse practitioner. Iin your paragraph, you say that your
only special talent is speaking Sspanish, but Ii think you have other
talents if you are going to work in the field of medicine. Yyour science classes will enable you to get a job, but being able
to take care of others is a very special talent.
Try It Out! (page
Answers will vary.
PRACTICE 6: Identifying Subjects, Verbs, and
Prepositional Phrases (page 15)
3. Audiences loved the film and the characters (in it).
4. George Lucas
wrote the story and planned the special effects.
5. He worked (with talented artists and engineers).
6. Lucas and his team designed and built an imaginary world (of good and evil).
7. (In the original Star Wars), Luke Skywalker becomes a freedom
8. The heroes (in Luke Skywalker’s life) are Jedi knights.
9. Darth Vader
represents the evil Empire and always
wears black.
10. (At the end of the film), moviegoers applauded the defeat
(of the evil Empire).
PRACTICE 7: Using Nouns and Verbs Correctly (page
2. Obi-Wan’s wisdom
and life lessons
Skywalker (into a Jedi knight)
3. George
Lucas’s THX sound system and computer-generated images really improve the battle
scenes (in Star Wars).
4. An innovator
(like Lucas) experiments (with new ideas).
5. Action films are full (of excitement) (for movie fans).
PRACTICE 8: Making Subjects and
Verbs Agree (page 17)
2. Basketball games on television make big profits
for the NBA.
3. The sale of T-shirts, hats,
and other NBA
products is also
good for business.
4. Some of the NBA games are on television in
outside the United States.
5. Some of the success of the NBA is because
individual players.
6. There were more NBA games
on TV in China
after 2002, the year
that Yao Ming started playing for the Houston Rockets.
7. There was a very good reason for the NBA’s
increase in popularity.
8. Most of the new Chinese fans were
fans of Ming.
9. Now each of the NBA games on Chinese
television attracts
millions of viewers.
10. Ming’s popularity with Chinese fans has made
him one of the most important athletes ever to play in the NBA.
PRACTICE 9: Editing a Paragraph for Errors in Subject-Verb Agreement:
(page 17)
Golf is no longer just a favorite sport of wealthy middle-aged businessmen or senior citizens. Young
people around the worldairseplaying the game, and some
of themhhaavsecaused a lot
of excitement. One of the young stars airse Sergio Garcia,
a fascinating golfer from Spain. Garcia was
born in 1980 and started golfing at the age of three. He
became a professional golfer in 1999
at the age of 19. Garcia caught the world’s
attention by hitting
a golf shot
at a target from behind a tree with his eyes closed. Two other young golf stars are Michelle
Wie and
Ryo Ishikawa. Both of themairsequite different
from the traditional golfer.
Wie, born in Hawaii in 1989, is Korean-American. She shocked everyone
by competing against men—and beating many of them—at the age of fourteen. Today she is one
the world’s best female golfers. Ishikawa is a
professional Japanese golfer
who was born in 1991.
In 2007, he became the youngest
player ever to win
professional golf tournament in Japan. Each of
his victories since then hhaavse
his incredible
athletic skill, and he has become a favorite with fans. In 2011, after a terrible earthquake in Japan, Ishikawa impressed his fans once again by promising
donate all of the money he earned that year to
help the earthquake victims. Of course thereairsestill
golfers who continue the traditions of the sport, but these three young athletes show how golf is changing.
PRACTICE 10: Correcting Sentence Fragments (page 19)
X 3. City Year volunteers in the United States,
England, and South Africa.
X 4. For example, help elementary and middle school children with their homework.
X 5.They role models for young children.
City Year is
X 7. Is an excellent way for university students to learn from life experiences.
X 8. At the end of their City Year, receive money to pay for their university tuition.
PRACTICE 11: Editing a Paragraph
to Correct Sentence
Fragments (page 19)
My best friend is Suzanne. We have known each other since childhooSdh.eHheleplepdemde
in a very special
way. At the
age of
ten, I moved to a
new town. WItaws avesry scary for me to go to a new
was I very shy. In fact, I was afraid to speak to anyone.
Suzanne asked me to eat lunch with her on my first day. During the next several
months, she helped
me to adjust to lifeisin school and out of school, too. Now Suzanne in
Venezuela with her husband
and three
children. We have not seen each other for eight years.
However, we stay in touch by email and
on FacebooWk.eTteelelpehpohnoeneeach other at least once a month. Suzanne
changed my life. We will be friends