Answers: The Professor Is a Dropout Assignment





Writing Assignment #..



Bahrain Society for Animal Welfare


The Bahrain Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (BSPCA) was established in 1979 by a small group of committed and passionate animal lovers. I got to know this association through a friend who lives in Bahrain. I spend too much time talking to her to keep up with the association's projects. The association has two goals: animal protection and wildlife protection. The animal protection is a priority. The wildlife protection is one of the most important projects that try to do more. This association is officially registered by the Ministry of Labor in Bahrain as a humanitarian, charitable and non-profit organization dedicated to the welfare of animals. The association runs a dedicated group of volunteers and does not receive any formal funding of any kind. The association relies on the generosity of the public for its money in addition to the money the thrift store brings in. It operates as a charity and is regulated by the Ministry of Social Development under the auspices of the NGO Administration. In June 2016, the Bahrain Animal Welfare Society completed the first phase of a burden sharing project funded by the pioneering charitable association that produced a set of fundamental changes in the lives of working animals in Bahrain. It is also working closely with a team of veterinarians to formulate a humanitarian and ethical guide for dealing with working animals, with the support of the same institution under the title of burden sharing. There are many fun things to do when joining this association. Because they have a lot of humanitarian work. Thanks for the hard work of the association and for the efforts it takes to protect animals and wildlife.



