I) Introduction
idea: The role of education aims to develop something new instead of relying on
old innovations. To be able to define one's own future.
II) Body
Major Support 1: The reasons why Education is
important for Children and to Society.
Minor Support 1: The children are the future of the world they
should be educated.
Minor Support 2: For a modern society, education is very important
to students to develop and lead them in a perfect path.
Major Support 2: The role of Education for both
Country 's and for individual developments.
Support 1: Education is very important for a country to grow.
Minor support 2: Education is important to make people noble and perfect.
III) Conclusion
Education is the
most important thing that a person should have in life because it will help to
interact with different kinds of persons and exchange knowledge and ideas and
live in harmony, also to be an active participant in society and to gain
respect from the world.