The authors are challenging the readers to
critical think about the possibility of an IQ score defining the possibility of
being offered a job or not (Pastorino & Doyle Portillo, 2019). Nowadays, IQ
scores are becoming relevant in hiring process for every company. According to
Jordan Peterson. A professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, “There
are companies that makes general cognitive ability tests and its often used by
corporations that does not promote themselves as testing IQ. You cannot find employment!
Unless. Increasingly unless you are intelligent “( Bite-sized
Philosophy.2017, April 19. Jordan Peterson-IQ and The Job Market [Video]. YouTube).
I was eager to learn about this topic to
understand how a simple test may determine the becoming of a person. I still
remember a scene from the series Malcolm in the Middle. Malcolm scored so high
on IQ Test that his advisor was speechless in determining the best career for him.
He was a good fit for any job. Malcolm came with the intention of finding an answer
and end up leaving with more questions about his future. From a personal experience.
When it comes to critical thinking, logic (Math). I do score high on tests.
However, when it is about vocabulary. I do find it challenging since English is
my fourth language. When I first moved to The U.S. I did not get many jobs
offers at the beginning of my career. I failed tests due to a lack of
understanding of the context or questions. I always asked myself does it mean I
am not smart enough or it is about the job requirements. As of today, I do find
these tests limited and causes a great deal of talents loss. At the end if the
company policy is to look for a special profile and I do not fit the box. I
rather work in a place where I am accepted for what I will be bringing to the table.
"MLA Formatting and Style
Guide." The Purdue OWL Purdue U Writing Lab. Accessed
18 Feb. 2021.
Bite-sized Philosophy.( 2017, April
19). Jordan Peterson-IQ and The Job Market [Video]. YouTube. Accessed 28 Feb. 2021.
Ellen Pastorino & Susann
Doyle-Portillo. What Is Psychology? Foundations, applications & Integration,
4th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2019.
Nellie Bowles, Jordan
Peterson, Custodian of the Patriarchy, The New York Times , May 18, 2018, ,Accessed 28 Feb. 2021.