1. Simon has left.
has left?
2. I met your friend.
Who(m) did you meet?
3. Class begins at one o'clock.
When does class begin?
What time does class
4. I need a pair of scissors.
What do you need?
5. I am a teacher. (Ask about a
person's job/occupation.)
What do you do?
What do you do for a
6. You have two pens. I want to use that
Which pen do you want
to use?
Which one do you want
to use?
Which do you want to
7. John is six feet, six inches tall.
How tall is John?
8. I check my email many times a day.
How often do you check
your email?
How many times a day
do you check your email?
9. I live a few miles from work.
How far from work do
you live?
10. It takes me 30 minutes to get
to work.
How long does it take
you to get to work?
11. You didn't talk to her boss. (Add a tag
You didn't talk to her
boss, did you?