Sentences: Chapter 11 count - noncount



1. Write a sentence or question to talk about a non-specific person or thing. Use the appropriate article.

       a. Use a singular count noun.

I brushed my teeth every morning.

       b. Use a plural count noun.

I brought some flowers for my mother.

       c. Use a noncount noun.

I reviewed some vocabulary at home.

2. Write a sentence or question to express the speaker and listener are thinking about the same specific person or thing. Use the appropriate article.

       a. Use a singular count noun.

My sister bought a house.

       b. Use a plural count noun.

The houses in France are very expensive.

       c. Use a noncount noun.

I like cheese.

3. Write a short dialogue showing the first and second mention of the same noun.

A: How many cats does your sister have?

M: My sister has two cats: a female and a male. The female is 6 months. The male is 1 year.

A: Oh, so cute! I love cats too.

4. Write two sentences using each noun below. Use as a count noun once and as a noncount noun once.

       a. work

                  count: This piece of art is really a very intense work of drawing.

                  Noncount: Thank you for all your hard work.

       b. time

                  count: I took a long time to proofread the mistake.

                  Noncount: I spend too much time painting, and not enough time with my husband.

5. Write a sentence or question using each quantity expression below.

       a. much

You can eat as much as you want.

       b. many

There are many fun things to do at Disney park.

       c. a few

At that time few people travelled who did not have to wear mask.

       d. a little

I know a little store not far from here.

       e. a lot of

I have a lot of books.

